Monday, December 5, 2011

Monza Sports Pedal mod...

Yea right, i'm not so much into sporty thingy la... Just want to protect my pedal actually... Cause our shoe's soles are indeed very rough to the pedal. Imagine every time you enter car with all those sands and maybe even stones or some corrosive substance on your soles then straight press pedal till reach another destination... Eventually your rubber pedal will give way... Since I not sure whether Proton Parts Centre got sell replacement or not, I just got myself a RM3.80 sports pedal first. (At least I know it'll be cheaper than replacement also)

 Purposely chosen orange to suit my car colour...  I know is Waliao-eh cheap... Haha... 

So I prepared the rubber surfaces to be installed.
Wipe with wet cloth, then damped cloth.
Then applied my RM2 protectant on the pedal's rubber. Coat 3 layers and dry it...
Looks shining and wet now...
But I went out with car after that...

Then I repeated the steps above again... Maybe coated like 10 layers of protectant  on the pedal...
(Now it's easier to clean as the pedals are water and dust -repellant dy)

Then I waited for it to dry and install the pedals...
This 3 pedals took me 3 hours to install it...
Shining under broad daylight...

Notice the left most bottom is a screw instead of normal hexagonal screw?
Because if use the normal hexagonal screw, the screw head will eventually wear off before I even managed to tighten it... So I opted for a provided phillips screw and screwed it tight.

I even removed some stucked hex-screws... Stucked because of their heads wore off when it's tighten too hard. Then I used drill to screw the head and then slowly unscrew it's body out... Left a lot of metal dust on my car floor mat...
LEFT: Screw head and it's body separated using a drill... With a lot of metal dust around...
RIGHT: Normal screw

The cheapest, the easiest, the most worth-the-work-and-time DIY mod. I expect these pads would last some time... Now even shoe sole got spikes also not scared... The pad pieces are made of metals...
And now I can push the clutch into full more easily...
At least no KRACK!!! sound when shifting gear sometimes...

(P.S.: I actually shifted the clutch with the brake pads position... If not sometimes when I press brake also can touch accelerator leh... You won't want that... What a design...)

Check back often... There will be a minor update tomorrow...

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